SPARKPLUG 12/09/07 minutes (taken by Karen)
There were 7 people in attendance
Jennifer, Jenny, Mike, Lisa, Philip, Kathryn & Karen
(These will be posted in the file section of the Google Group – if I have missed something please feel free to download the notes and add or correct, just make sure to date & initial the newly posted document)
Agenda items were covered as follows:
~assess Sunday Monday meeting times
Lisa McCarty and Kathryn McDonnell both gave presentations and like the members that went last month I am going to attempt to sum it up in just 1-3 sentences – if I have severely misrepresented you email me at karenjoan@gmail with what you want fixed.
I am going to try to get the PowerPoint presentation with notes up on the Google group before the end of the month so anyone that is interested but has not made to a meeting can take a look.
Lisa McCarty
Lisa McCarty does mixed media work on canvas inspired by the experience of live performance and independent music. She incorporates original photos of performances she attends at intimate rock & roll venues and transfers then to canvas using iron-on paper. She then paints into the resulting grid and images being conscious of both the image and the elements of painting like color and gesture as she also tries to capture elements of experience, perception and memory.
Kathryn McDonnell
Kathryn McDonnell paints abstract expanses of saturated color on canvas. She builds up rich textures and experiential moments in the canvases that are inspired by direct experiences. In translating her experiences into paint she is also inspired to name the language and objects in her titles and prose writing that enforce the visceral experience that she is investigating with paint and canvas.
Still working on the statistical part of this one…so we will try for the next meeting to see if it shows us anything different than what we have been talking about in person.
If you still need to fill one out you can get a blank one in the file section of the dcacsparkplug Googlegroup. When complete, email it to Jenny Walton ( when it is filled out.
3-ideas about ideas-in no particular order
~we batted around ideas about the commonality in Lisa’s & Kathryn’s work, as well as the work we had seen before. In no particular order this list of ideas / works came up:
Breath, layer, layering, layers of meaning, performance, mapping, sky, air, projection, and drawing
This last item, drawing, brought up some interesting comparisons of how we define drawings and some other tangents that lead to the idea to attend an exhibition together to spark discussion topics.
Some of us already wanted to see the WACK! Show at the National Museum of Women in the Arts before it closes on Sunday so we are going to meet there THIS SATURDAY 12/15/07 from noon to 230 then go to the Corcoran from 300 to 5 to see a “projected drawing” that Jenny described.
This is not like a guided tour, you can casually come for as long or as short as you like. The idea is that by seeing the same show we can all start appreciating the “Thrown-Togetherness” (Lisa’s excellent term) of our personalities and backgrounds.
~ This falls under both ideas and goals-have a meeting that was devoted to the more raw side of the work – not an academic style critique, but a forum where each artist could talk about what troubles them about their own work or art practice (technical, philosophical, issues they have problems with, etc.) - so they can then hear other peoples responses to that one thing, I think the idea was that by letting each artist has to pick something that they are critical of in their own work and focusing on that it would be both helpful to the artist and help us get to know each other
~there is still interest in visiting people’s personal studio space, but we need someone to volunteer to get this going
4- goals for goals
~don’t get ahead of ourselves, get to know each other before we start trying to make proposals, get to know each other, figure out what is interesting about the ‘randomness’ of us meeting
~try to plan a meeting of artist – games – where the outcome may be a work of art, a drawing game or something to do with picture taking were mentioned, I think. This all boils down to actually making collaborative work.
~ get a “meatier” discussion going (Mike also volunteered to help with the blog to see if he can recommend a different format to use for discussion)
~ try to be more rigorous about discussions by having one person post an idea on the blog on a weekly/bi-weekly basis. Ideally we would respond on the blog as well as take the discussion from online into the in-person meetings
~ put into a future meeting agenda a mini – class on how to read and write using a blog template
See the WACK! Show at the National Museum of Women in the Arts before it closes on Sunday.
Go to the Corcoran to see the “projected drawing” on the Venus
I will send more on these venues and what we planned under a different heading. If you can’t make it try to go see it on your own.
5-Agenda Items for next meeting
The next meeting is tentatively planned for Monday January 7 at 7:30 PM – place TBD (probably DCAC, but I may try to get my studio presentable to host the first studio visit
~Mike, Tim and Sean still need to present as well as anyone else that might be lurking out there that is interested.
~Status of returned surveys
~Ideas about ideas
~Goals for goals
~talk about the WACK! Exhibition and this projected ‘drawing’ at the Corcoran (Hopefully this topic will be narrowed in the discussion that takes place at the museums & online)