Thursday, January 31, 2008

For discusions sake, regarding the 'practicalities' of our chosen career path (which we all seem to like to talk about), this is an good list serve to join: Not rocket science, or spam (she only posts once every 3 months or so) just usually practical, dorky reminder, self-help type stuff, like this article: 5 facts artists need to face. The article can be found online at:

Friday, January 18, 2008


February 23rd for a Sparkplug party-

If anyone feel like being fun, forum is open for ideas on a theme or name
for the innaugural event.

More details soon about time and place-

Monday, January 14, 2008


I have been lurking on this list - "dorkbot" and wonder if anyone has ever checked them out? I certainly recognize some of the members names, but I don't know anyone very well. As my work gets more technical and technological, it seems like a great way to pump up your own DIY skills.

I am not going to be able to make this meeting, but I'll put it out there that if there is anyone else interested in going to one of their meetings or MAKE sessions in future I am totally up for it.


WHAT: Inaugural DorkbotDC + Make:DC Workshop
WHEN: 16 January 2008 (Wednesday), 7 - 9pm
WHERE: Marian Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences
6th & E Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 334-1201 (for directions)
Click here for a map

ALWAYS FREE! (Except for materials, see below.)

Feel free to forward this notice to other interested parties.

Join us for the first-ever joint meeting of Dorkbot DC with the first-ever meeting of Make:DC!

During this meeting, we will be building LED cubes as seen on the Make blog:

But we're going to improve on it by using an open-source Arduino microcontroller instead of an ATtiny2313V.

The chosen project will provide an opportunity for participants to learn:

Structural and electrical soldering
Programming and usage of microcontrollers
Simple programming
About the economical but versatile Arduino microcontroller that participants can use as a basis for future projects

there is more technical stuff, but I am cutting it off here - I think you get teh flavor of the thing...k

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Goooooooooooo Sean!

Yay Sean - thanks for all the enthusiasm and useful stuff that you are sending to the Google group - YOU ROCK!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

1/7/08 Meeting Minutes

SPARKPLUG 1/7/08 minutes (taken by Karen)
There were 6 people in attendance
Sean, Jenny, Kathryn, Mark, Lea & Karen

Agenda items were covered as follows:

Sean Hennessy presented jpgs of his work. (Disclaimer: I am going to sum it up in just 1-3 sentences – (if anyone thinks I have severely misrepresented email me at karenjoan@gmail with what you want fixed or what you thought.)

Sean Hennessy does mixed media constructions using materials like plaster, concrete (raw and pigmented) and glass casting of items like toys, light bulbs, tools and hardware. Inspired by mythology, industry, religion, energy, and archeology he frequently engages in the retelling of classic stories with common contemporary objects, instilling in them a “Narrative of Relics” as a way of contextualizing their cultural content, meaning and identity.

Six individuals have responded to the survey, which gleaned in 4 pages of results, expertly compiled by Jenny. Two mentionable items are the varied skills and resources that were listed by us and the overwhelming interest in being connected to an engaging community of artists that is interested in “cultivat[ing] new ideas” and discussing art on a professional level. These surveys so far seem to justify the conversational discussion format that is continuing to develop as this community becomes more “collective”.

[While it was not discussed at the meeting I do have copies of the results if you would like one, please ask me for it at a meeting. While I presently do not foresee results being compiled again until some yet unknown milestone, having individual record of peoples interests will be helpful to have on file in the future. If you have not filled one out you can get a blank survey in the file section of the dcacsparkplug Googlegroup. When complete, bring it to a meeting email it to Jenny Walton ( or myself (

3-ideas about ideas-in no particular order
~HAVE A PARTY! try to bring together the Monday people and the Sunday people and some new people in a more relaxed venue-like someone’s home. Stay tuned, more on this very, very soon
~Sean offered to post information regarding an upcoming film series about sculptors (films
on Richard Serra may be some of the first to be scheduled), be on the lookout.
~We started talking about the WACK! Exhibit, but it seems that of the six people in attendance only Kathryn & I went and we saw each other at NWMA so we had already talked about it. (WACK! will be at NYMOMA at the PS space, you should still try to see it)
~after Kathryn & I gave our synopsis of WACK! the discussion turned into a sort of – “one that got away” reminiscence by everyone else that was there – (you know, the exhibitions that you really meant to go to, know would be important to your development, but still missed going to see.)
~as some of us filled each other in on what others had missed at certain shows like Richard Serra in MOMANY this summer, Julie Taymor at NMWA, Radical Lace & Subversive Knitting at MAD, NY the two following ideas came up

~ Lea had suggested a reading list as well as maybe trying to pick one book that none of us had read and all try to read it – the suggestion is NOT for a book club, (I don’t think any of us has time for that) but for one book that we can all try to get into and draw discussions out of.

Suggestions so far are

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles

Art & Fear

The Shape of Content (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures)

Ross King The Judgment Of Paris (the Revolutionary Decade That Gave The World Impressionism

What Painting Is

Pictures and Tears: A History of People Who Have Cried in Front of Paintings

Regarding the Pain of Others

Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston

Taking the Leap: Building a Career As a Visual Artist
- (Not for discussion purposes, but recommended by Sean & myself as a very practical book to have about doing your own PR, taxes, exemptions, budgeting and all kinds of stuff)

Certainly check out these books and try to think of others and post them to the group – I am suggesting now that at the February meeting we try to narrow it down to 5 books and then pick one that we can all try to read this YEAR – just one book –

~In discussing setting up a book list it was suggested that a tag/bookmark lists for books & websites would be good – in hindsight I have thought of linking to exhibitions past present & future that come up in meetings given that there are permalinks on many websites not – it would be a great resource to have)

Sean has already suggested a bookmark site and set up a flickr group for us. We could also set up a book list on, or or explore using or

(don’t want to get too many web things going here – everyone take a look at these sites, Mike checked in with me and he’s exploring ways for setting up better blog discussion threads, I have given him a heads up about trying to incorporate these other lists to the blog as well so stay tuned)

4- goals for goals


~consider hosting practical artist workshops on taxes/business sides. Sean mentioned a workshop he attended in the past run by Lenny Campello / Frasier gallery a few years ago that was very, very good. The names Sarah Stout and David Furchgott of International Art & Artists were mentioned as people that might be familiar with Lenny’s workshop and be able to come up with something similar.


~Recommended openings this Saturday (on January 12th) on 14th Street

Phil Nesmith at Irvine:
15 ways of looking at Philip Barlow at Curators Office:

5-Agenda Items for next meeting

The next meeting is tentatively planned for Sunday February 10 at 7 PM place TBD (tho’ probably will be in the DCAC gallery
~Mike, and maybe Pat present their work
~Ideas about ideas
~Goals for goals
~talk about the 14th Street openings, discussion ideas and headway on virtual tools to assist with our development of ideas
~keep forging ahead towards “Meatier Discussion”

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


As discussed last night...I'm forwarding the following links to area blogs that I know of.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Great Meeting!

Just wanted to say what a great meeting we had tonight with awesome discussions and ideas happening! Thanks everyone!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hello - let's go for it and have a January meeting, I could not get my studio ready for a visit in time so it will be in teh DCAC gallery again, Monday, January 7, at 7:30 PM.

Agenda for 1/7/08 SPARKPLUG meeting

(feel free to email me at with other suggestions before Monday as this may be a 'lite' meeting if no one presents) This fact will give us more
time to talk about the NMWA and the Corcoran though.

items are as follows:


Not sure if anyone else is ready to show work - please speak up or
just show up with 1-5 jpgs or a short form of audio or video or what
ever it is you do and we will accommodate that first.

Tim, Mike, Sean or Lea Ann are natural candidates. Are any of you
ready or even able to make it on Monday?

Sorry I still haven't gotten to posting the power point with notes on
the Google group, I am going to try to get it done for this for this


Still working on the statistical part of this we will try for
the next meeting to see if it shows us anything different than what we
have been talking about in person.

If you still need to fill one out you can get a blank one in the file
section of the dcacsparkplug Googlegroup. Email it to Jenny Walton
( when it is filled out.


Talk about WACK! Show at the National Museum of Women in the Arts and
a piece called "Venus" at the Corcoran.

Hopefully there were some takers for this action, we'll talk about it
and see what was good or what could have been better.

4-ideas about ideas-

Fresh & new brainstorming or habituating group think, you decide

4- goals for goals

Most of the goals from last meeting had to do with skills, games &
'meatier' discussions. We'll see if the Action! Assignment SPARKED (ha-first time that happened) anything meaty, and go from there.

What is DCAC's Sparkplug?

Currently composed of eight DC area artists and curators, DCAC's SPARKPLUG meets regularly to discuss their work, explore common concerns, grow their community and dream up creative engagements both in DC and around the world. Through its support of Sparkplug, DC Arts Center provides meeting space, legal and technical resources and exhibition opportunities to emerging artists, curators and arts writers without current gallery representation or institutional employ. Via a continuing dialogue encompassing the theoretical and the practical, the group’s members share experiences, perspectives, preoccupations, challenges, and topics informing their ongoing artistic practice.

The goal of DCAC's SPARKPLUG is to identify superior artists, curators and arts writers without current gallery representation or institutional employ, provide an environment to help foster their development, provide legal, technical and other resources, and provide opportunities for them to exhibit both in DC and around the country.

DCAC's SPARKPLUG will actively seek its membership from all communities in the Washington, DC region with the goal of bringing together emerging artists and curators with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences, a diversity of professional preoccupations and creative visions.