SPARKPLUG 3/10/08 minutes (taken by Karen) There were 9 people in attendance : Jenny, Kathryn, Mike, Mark, Lisa, Deborah, Peter, Lea Ann & Karen
Agenda items were covered as follows:
Everyone that came to the meeting managed to get a number of images loaded into the flickr group – We let it run as a slide show on projection as we discussed the similarities; focusing largely on Lea Ann’s observation of a commonality of “subtle entropy” in the theme, execution or process of all of the work, regardless of the style. This is the crux of how the curatorial aspect for this particular curated slide set all inclusions will come from this recently posted group of work. Lea is going to work on a “slide list” indicating which photos she is selecting and will try to have that to each of us by the beginning of next week.
Hopefully by the time she makes the decisions known to us, we will have communicated with Linda Griggs at E32 to check what technical requirements there are for the jpgs. In short though we should all plan to bring CD’s of the photos Lea selects-we will download all of them at next meeting to one computer then work on getting the presentation in whatever format it needs to be sent to E32 in. Downloading the photos at the meeting will also serve as the MASTER file for any other opportunity we may have to present this work.
2-Slides “The Show”
An unexpected opportunity to use the gallery for a Sparkplug Exhibition has arisen in May. It would only be for a two week slot, but there seemed to be a general consensus that in developing and preparing for the E32 submission we could also test out the developing theme in the gallery.
We will be hashing out the logistical and curatorial details over the coming weeks, but the critical details will not change.
Drop off work and hang the show Tues./Wed., April 29 & 30
Opening Event - Fri., May 2
Learn-a-Palooza Sat., May 10
Take down show remove work from gallery Sun., May 11 (After 7 PM)
Mon., May 12 (until 5 PM)
Here is the link to last years Learn-A-Palooza.
I (Karen) talked more about my experience last year and the different approaches we could take to participating. Given that this event would occur during the period that we would have our work in the gallery we could schedule gallery talks or talk about Sparkplug; we could get on the schedule and look for other instructors to do art related classes and just serve as hosts, individually we can work on developing classes.
Peter’s suggestion of showing “how to stretch a canvas” was a great idea. I’ve already elaborated in an earlier email about “painting show & tell”. In my experience last year – do not underestimate your potential to teach something small or simple.
Here is last year’s organizer that will give more info on how to think about being a teacher
Last years rules of participation were as below and I am guessing they will be very similar this year:
• classes are on April 28, between 10AM and 6PM
• classes must start on the hour or half-hour
• they must be 25 or 55 min long
• they must be free and open to the public
As about 1/3 to ½ of us were engaged in other activities between now & April 1 - we will try to have a mini-brainstorming meeting just on Learn-a-Palooza for those who are interested or available to help sometime in the last week of March or first week of April – more details later.
3-goals for goals
none come to mind that are not related to the above two items
3-ideas about ideas-in no particular order
none come to mind that are not related to the above two items
Except for fact there was a lot of interesting things said relative, tangentially and in support of Lea’s bringing up tension, place and entropy as a theme. I don’t have time to put them down but think this would be a completely appropriate topic to try and capture what many of you said by going on the blog and posting about the other things we brought up when discussing the slide project.
Lea presents us with a preliminary slide list so we can all get out highest resolution images ready to bring to the meeting on CD’s or thumb drives.
Plan a mini-meet-up to see if it is of interest to develop anything for Learn-A-Palooza
5-Agenda Items for next meeting
The next meeting is planned for Sunday, April 13 at 7:00 PM
at the DCAC gallery
~bring photo files for download
~go over curatorial statement and set schedule for any extra PR that we want other than the DCAC weekly list serve news letter
~get specific commitments from people for the exhibition and Learn-a-Palooza
~Ideas about ideas
~Goals for goals
~ALWAYS ALWAYS feel free to email me anything else you want to talk about or think needs to be added to the next meetings agenda-AND ANYTHING I MAY HAVE FORGOT-I am too sleepy today!