Friday, October 19, 2007

10/14/07 meeting minutes

SPARKPLUG 10/14/07 meeting minutes taken by Karen Joan Topping

(These will be posted in the file section of the Google Group – if I have missed something please feel free to download the notes and add or correct, just make sure to date & initial the newly posted document)

Agenda items were covered as follows:

1-meeting times

We will try to maintain meeting on a regular schedule of alternating days at the DC Arts Center. Plans are to meet in the second week of every month, alternating between Sundays at 7:00 PM and Mondays at 7:30 PM. Following this proposed schedule the next two meetings are scheduled for Monday, November 12 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, December 9 at 7:00 PM. This schedule is subject to change based on the availability of the space and requirements dictated by the agenda of the meeting.


Those in attendance agreed to fill out an introductory written survey, (you may have already seen it). The survey was posted in an email to the Google group by Jenny Walton or can be downloaded as word file in the files section of the Google group. The hope is that these surveys will help us in forming our first goals for sparkplug and be useful as a reference of skills for future projects.

3-ideas about ideas-(in no particular order)

~Set up an online photo group like flickr or yahoo photo
~Have everyone summarize their work in just one sentence without identifying themselves and then as a group begin categorizing these sentences to get ideas
~Have a meeting where we do a drawing project together (work/play nite)-like make posters for ‘fantasy’ art – i.e. shows that don’t exist yet that we could curate
~Discuss & form themes, do work about elevating the ordinary as an idea
~Have a slide night where participants show one slide of their own work and one by of another artist they admire/is important to their work
~Consider look for collective public art projects-like grants for art in pocket parks
~Come up with concepts that allow artists in the collective to interact directly with the public/viewer in an unexpected manner and document those interactions (presumably as inspiration for both audience and artists)
~Have additional meetings at people’s personal studios
~Investigate a theme show on planning vs. spontaneity
~Have a slide show and have people introduce and start talking about themselves and their work

It was decided that the last item on this list should be acted on immediately-so the following format was discussed and decided on by those in attendance:

There will be presentations of work starting on the Monday, November 12th Meeting at 7:30pm. There will be up to 12 presentations lasting no longer than 10 minutes a piece (which adds up to 1 hour and 20 minutes-add a half hour for other issues and realize this will be about a 2 hour meeting.) This should assist us all in coming up with themes and working relationships with the groups work and give us an idea how and where to move from here.

In order to accommodate the digital needs and reduce “fiddling with the projector/computer/changing discs between artists” time, Please submit your digital images (NO MORE THAN 5!) in jpeg format to me at before November 10th! Please make them a reasonable size and know that they will be projected. If you are unable to furnish digital images, please bring one (transportable up stairs) piece of work with you to the next meeting.

The 12 presentation slots are already filled for the November Meeting. **However, to get your work in the line-up for December, please submit them here as well. Slots are filled on first come first serve basis.**

4-agenda items for November meeting

~Status of returned surveys
~10 – 12 people show slides
~Schedule new group to show slides as necessary
~Ideas about ideas
~Do we want to start a list of possible goals for the next 6 months-year?
~Set Agenda for December meeting

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What is DCAC's Sparkplug?

Currently composed of eight DC area artists and curators, DCAC's SPARKPLUG meets regularly to discuss their work, explore common concerns, grow their community and dream up creative engagements both in DC and around the world. Through its support of Sparkplug, DC Arts Center provides meeting space, legal and technical resources and exhibition opportunities to emerging artists, curators and arts writers without current gallery representation or institutional employ. Via a continuing dialogue encompassing the theoretical and the practical, the group’s members share experiences, perspectives, preoccupations, challenges, and topics informing their ongoing artistic practice.

The goal of DCAC's SPARKPLUG is to identify superior artists, curators and arts writers without current gallery representation or institutional employ, provide an environment to help foster their development, provide legal, technical and other resources, and provide opportunities for them to exhibit both in DC and around the country.

DCAC's SPARKPLUG will actively seek its membership from all communities in the Washington, DC region with the goal of bringing together emerging artists and curators with a broad range of backgrounds and experiences, a diversity of professional preoccupations and creative visions.